I started on List.ly a few months ago quite casually. Made a list or two and followed a few lists to get the hang of it. Didn’t think much about it until I checked my blog’s analytics recently and realized I was getting a lot of traffic from them. It ranked #4 for me before Twitter or Triberr! So what would you do? Build more lists and follow more lists right?


Written by lyceum
3923 days ago

Lisa: Thanks for the info! Will you compile a list of the list on List.ly?! ;)

Written by lauraraisanen
3923 days ago

I also had never heard of List.ly before but am going to check it out now!

Thanks for sharing with us :)

Written by 27supetra
3923 days ago

Helo Lisa...

I love it. Allow me to say this to you. Traffic marketing is needed. You can check out this how traffic works and my downline grow and grow. http://smal.in/bonus

Written by grmond56
3923 days ago

Hi Lisa,

I have heard of List.ly but didn't really know what it was. Because of this post, I'm going to pay more attention to List.ly and go sign up.

Thanks for sharing this info. I love it when there is a case study involved.

Geri Richmond

Written by Inspiretothrive
3923 days ago

Thanks Grmond56, I believe you will really like it and let me know if you have any questions.

Written by Inspiretothrive
3925 days ago

Yes Lyceum, right on the top right hand side of the website :) Enjoy!

Written by lyceum
3925 days ago

Thanks for the help! Do you have a favorite list compilation?

Written by lyceum
3925 days ago

Lisa: Thanks for listing the features of Listly. I will test out in the near future. Could your search on different lists on List.ly?

Written by Inspiretothrive
3923 days ago

Yes, there is a search area just like on Google for List.ly

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