Now is the Time for VIDEO on Your Website!

Avatar Posted by jonmikelbailey under Online Marketing
From 4391 days ago
Made Hot by: Sun Tzu Business Guide on October 7, 2012 3:27 am
If you've ever thought about adding video elements to your website, now is the time to move on it.

Why, because those businesses that do implement video on their website will capture the lion’s share of the marketplace for their particular specialty. Video is a huge influencer and it shapes opinions because of its one to one communication format.

Recent studies and surveys demonstrate quite clearly that video on your business website drives sales, reduces returns, improves customer support while reducing costs and raises brand awareness.


Written by MarkT
4388 days ago

Great stats. I didn't know video made that much of a difference.

Written by lyceum
4390 days ago

Do you have tips on how to create a video clip in a good way? What kind of the gear and gadgets do you use? How long / short should the video clip be? Should you distribute it on other social media channels? Personal preferences regarding YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, etc?

Written by HeatherStone
4391 days ago

Great points here. Video is hugely important for many reasons and the ease of creating online video really makes this decision a no-brainer. Thanks for sharing this post with the BizSugar community.

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