Nathan R Mitchell|Clutch Consulting|Small Business Coach|Motivational Speaker|Tulsa OK|Springfield MO|Dallas TX, addresses the challenges of cold calling and how to replace it altogether.


Written by C_Consultingllc
4913 days ago


You are exactly right. Not only does cold calling pose its psychological challenges for a lot of people, but it's harder than ever before due to "no call lists," etc. Referrals and business generated leads are definitely more effective.

Keep Winning!


Written by sherisaid
4913 days ago

I do not think cold-calling is an efficient sales tool today. Personally, I don't give sales calls 10 seconds of my time (if I even answer the phone to an unknown caller, and I generally don't). If I want something, I find it, research it, compare value and check customer reviews before making a decision. Cold calls don't stand a chance...and I hope I'm a typical example.

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