We've all come across the smarmy sales person who leaves us with the strong desire to take a shower after only shaking our hand and we can usually spot them from a distance too.


Written by businessavante
4953 days ago

Hi Mairead,

I'm immune to the "Act Now" & "One Day Only" offers that pop up every day or two (I've yet to see a One Time offer that wasn't incessantly repeated).

The TV shopping channels are the kings of all these "techniques" - especially the "rarity" of their items - "We don't know when - of if - we'll get these back at this price" (like there's even a chance they'll run out in the next 4 years!!).

businessavante (Duncan)

Written by EncouragingExcellence
4953 days ago

Lol, for some Duncan this technique really does work, which is why it gets used. Like I said in my post I've often taken up one of the "scarcity" offers - on the third or fourth time it's offered, by which time I know I want it and am not prepared to pay full price when there is a discount available on it.

Written by nialldevitt
4953 days ago

Hi Mairead, The internet of course now makes it that much easier for companies and individuals to make both genuine and of course not so genuine offers, it's a bit of a double edged sword. The key consideration, as you point out is to do your research and rarely have I come across an offer where I couldn't find out more and very often from the same people that had either been taken in or benefited as a result. Here's a recent online conversation about the trustworthiness of salespeople that somewhat ties in with your post http://lnkd.in/tQFKD8

Written by EncouragingExcellence
4953 days ago

Absolutely. A good recommendation is worth it's weight in gold, a bad slating can destroy a business and these days I've seen more and more people using the internet, specially social media to air their grievances to get closure.

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