This week's article focuses on the "Why me" questions we sometimes ask ourselves that directly impact negatively our growth, progress and results; have a read, learn how to tackle these moments, and "Catch Yourself Because You Can"!

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Written by HeatherStone
4523 days ago

This is all great advice, but harder to follow than just writing about it. I also think it's important not to deliver this type of advice in too upbeat a manner, because it's easy to slip into what can be perceived as Pollyanna mode, which can alienate people prone to negativity or the victim mentality. But great post! It's all food for thought.

Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4523 days ago

Hi Heather, thanks for the comment. Do let me know if you need some clarification to be able to fully implement the strategies as I want to be thorough enough in explaining these in writing, so that they can be followed, so please feel free to ask me, so that I can ensure that from the written text, it can be fully followed. I always write in my manner, which can probably be perceived as an upbeat one; it is my style, and is natural and very authentic, and these facets are important to me. I am also used to lead and teach very tactfully too though ;-) while saying what needs to be said. A smile or an upbeat tone does not take away from the content, and if some people use these as an excuse to let it impact the content and therefore disregard it, it is their reactions. I do not teach anything that I have not gone through myself, as it is my way of leading, walking the talk. The reason why I feel I can talk about these, my way, is that I have been there, done that, and therefore, it is my pleasure to be able to share it with others, and more than a pleasure, it is part of my drive and mission. I come from the fact that I know these work, I have seen them in action, both personally, with my clients and my attendees when delivering these live and wanted to write this post to guide people to interrupt the pattern they are running, a common one that we are all running, some more than others. In the end, the thing is, it is possible to interrupt it, and to explain how to do it, I've broken it down into 5 steps, but these will work, only if the person is open to it; change is instant, but the decision to wanting to change can take longer!

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