How to Handle Requests for Your Time

Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Self-Development
From 3001 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on May 10, 2016 8:02 pm
Ever had ‘pick your brain’ requests? While I advocate offering value, we have to draw the line somewhere. If you're solicited for free advice or unwanted requests for your time, perhaps these solutions can help.


Written by lyceum
2999 days ago

Rachel: You are welcome! :)

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
2999 days ago


I ref. to the segment in my podcast show on the Trader Principle and how I want to get paid in real money, i.e., silver.

Have you read No, You Can't Pick My Brain, It Costs by Adrienne D. Graham?

Written by centralpawebster
2999 days ago

I've never heard of the book, but I must check it out! Thanks for your loyal readership!

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