Keeping motivated can sometimes be difficult, especially when working online.

In this post I share some key principals that have helped me keep motivated even when things haven't been going my way.


Written by bhgetsingh
3804 days ago

Great tips

Written by bundytimeclocks
3806 days ago

Thank you, very important topic.

Written by tiroberts
3808 days ago

Really uplifting and inspiring article. Thanks for sharing.

Written by ebele
3808 days ago

This couldn't have come at a better time. Yesterday was a bit of a rough day. So thanks.

Your post is the second place I've seen music recommended in the past hour. I do listen to music and it helps, but now I've seen it mentioned twice in a short space of time, I'll be doing so more consciously.

Thanks again for the post.

Written by adamjayc
3808 days ago

I'm really glad my post has been useful for you :)

Written by johnfaust
3809 days ago

That is the most difficult thing to do

Written by BizRock
3809 days ago

With these tips you would be happier and more effective.

Written by bigmoneyweb
3810 days ago

Life is like that. Things mustn't go our way all the time but, its our duty to always find ways to motivate ourself to keep going. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


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