Has the Business Blog replaced the Resumé as the 21st Century's best Job-Search Tool?

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Written by JackieP
5021 days ago

Always thought that Resume stood for:

Repeatedly Endless Submissions Uncovering Mediocre Employees

As an employer and employee I've never been a fan of them.

Total TKO..excellent post Yoni

Written by BusinessGuru
5022 days ago

I agree Duncan. All cvs are now electronic. As far as blogs go I'll support the theory 70%. It still has a bit more headway until it reaches cv status, but it's getting there. In any case, exceptionally well-done article Yoni. As usual!

Written by businessavante
5022 days ago

It's been years since paper resumes were even accepted - they have to be emailed or faxed now, a sure guarantee they'll all look alike (no fancy paper, etc). The days when you'd show up in your best suit to hand your work-of-art resume to the desk person are long gone!


Written by yoni67
5022 days ago


I'm glad the days of handing in resumes is a thing of the past. I remember bussing around entire cities handing them in to HR depts. and mailing scores at a time. I think in any case the whole idea of the resume is changing. I'm told the average time an HR person spends scanning a resume is 30 seconds...how much better to send them a link to a blog.



Written by alastair
5022 days ago

Loved this one Yoni

That little bit of creativity really brings the message to life.

Nice post

Written by yoni67
5022 days ago


Thank you for your kind comment! Creativity, even in small doses can have great effect.


Written by ofirafromjobshuk
5022 days ago


To my business partner and blogging mentor, you rock and roll! Another great post with excitement and uuuuumph!


Written by lovedthisarticle!
5022 days ago

One word Yoni. FANTASTIC!

Heidi, YBF (your biggest fan)

Written by yoni67
5022 days ago


Thanks much for your support and fandom!


Written by alinisrael
5023 days ago

What a rare talent your are Yonatan!


Written by yoni67
5022 days ago


Muchas Gracias Amigo!


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