Saying Goodbye to BizSugar and Wishing Good Luck to All

Avatar Posted by yoni67 under Self-Development
From 5128 days ago
Made Hot by: Portfolio33 on August 17, 2010 11:46 am
It's been almost a year on BizSugar.

It's been good and it's been interesting.

I'm looking forward to taking a long break from Social Media and getting back to a more old-fashioned way of doing business...


Written by nialldevitt
5100 days ago

Good luck friend! we will miss you :)

Written by argentisgroup
5121 days ago

Yoni, too bad you are going. I'll miss you.

Written by yoni67
5121 days ago


I still have some supporters who are posting my works here so keep an eye out. I will also be around voting.


Written by lyceum
5123 days ago


If you look on my Ego Sole Trader site, you will see in my calendar that I have been busy with a social media course for a couple of days this week.

I think that you should say as I said in my post, EGO BLOG IS NOT BURNED OUT...YET..., from 2004:

"With that said, it is time for a short summer vacation and blog break for maybe a day or so... ;) So long & "hasta la vista, baby"! Don't worry, "I will be back"... "

All the Best,


Written by robertbrady
5127 days ago

It's okay to be a little old-school. Thanks for your contributions and good luck.

Written by alastair
5127 days ago


Good luck Yoni. More than anyone else, you have contributed a sense of community to my experience here.

I hope to see you back some time and perhaps this Social Media thing doesn't need to be all or nothing.

Written by JackieP
5128 days ago

Well following your heart is always the best course of action. Thank you for contributing to my experience here on Bizsugar. Good luck and take care.


Written by yoni67
5128 days ago

Shawn and Duncan,

Thanks! It means a lot. Sorry about the rather heated reply by one of my readers. I guess I have passionate fans...which might be a good thing.


I sent you a follow-up email with details of the Rube Goldberg post if you would still like to use it with my blessing.

I hope to return to BizSugar some time in the future. I need a break from SM though.



Written by m4bmarketing
5128 days ago

All the best Yoni and like others have bookmarked your blog. I have appreciated your support, your posts and your comments.

Best wishes


Written by yoni67
5128 days ago

Thanks Susan!


Written by businessavante
5128 days ago

Yoni, I'd like to wish you the best of luck. (With your talent to lead you along, you really only need a little luck.)


Written by ShawnHessinger
5128 days ago

Yoni and Heidi,

My apologies for not commenting earlier. Haven't been on the community for much of the day. We all appreciate you, of course, and the great contributions you and other members make to BizSugar everyday. This social community, like others on the Web, is one in which you may come and go as you please and the door will always be open. Yoni, you and I have been in touch and I'm sure will continue to be in the future. I follow your blog and will continue to do so. Thanks again for all you have given to BizSugar, and I believe, as you have said in your previous posts, you have received much in return. If you, or any member, feel it's time for a break, please come back whenever you please. We will all be happy to hear from you.

Written by yoni67
5128 days ago

Much appreciation to all. Thanks.


Written by lovedthisarticle!
5128 days ago

Is this a community? That's what you always said in those articles I voted for for six months! This is a disgrace. Can you please delete my profile

Heidi K.

Written by lovedthisarticle!
5128 days ago

Yes Yoni it looks like you made a real impression hear among the staff. I'll say goodbye for them. Yoni on behalf of the Biz Sugar team good luck and thanks!

Written by lovedthisarticle!
5128 days ago

moderators/stafff: do you not think it is the least bit ironic or shameful that not one of you has even left a wish or said good bye?

Written by lovedthisarticle!
5128 days ago

I can see you are on line...

Written by lovedthisarticle!
5128 days ago

BizSugar moderators please read this

Written by CIKMarketing
5128 days ago

Good luck Yoni. I made sure I bookmarked your blog this morning so that we can still follow along. Thanks for all of the comments and support.

Written by ben.corporate@ILforums
5128 days ago


Let us know about guest blogging in Sept. and we'll be watching for new posts.


Written by marcommark
5128 days ago

From the tech team at IL, good luck Yonatan. mark

Written by amabaie
5128 days ago

I will miss you. Best of luck.

Written by 9devon9
5128 days ago

Yonatan you are the best darn writer I have seen. Keep at it buddy! ~Devon

Written by alinisrael
5128 days ago


I saw it coming to this. But just remember that people who follow their hearts seldom go wrong. You go back to being old fashioned and we'll be your fans every step of the way.

Chin up, proud and forward!


Written by ofirafromjobshuk
5128 days ago

O captain, my captain!


You brought a lot to Bizsugar. I also can't picture it being the same.

Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
5128 days ago

We'll still follow your blog Yoni!


Written by shepherd
5128 days ago


Written by lovedthisarticle!
5128 days ago

Yoni, I cant imagine this place being the same without your creativity enthusiam and support. Think I need a break too.

Heidi K.

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