In this article, I share with you 4 business mindset areas, where the Trick or Treat game applies and directly impacts our results and, ultimately, our success. It is important for us, business owners, entrepreneurs and corporate executives to pinpoint and tackle these areas to ensure we do not play this game all year-long!


Written by ivanwalsh
4653 days ago

Something to consider is that our mindset may change... and that's not necessarily a good or a bad thing, just something to observe.

Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4653 days ago

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for the comment.

And, absolutely, I'd even say it without the "may", from experience ;-)

It is a total given, and I must have said that at least 50 times in previous blog posts and articles!

Within the M3 philosophy, one of the first steps is indeed, as you say observe, and in my words, awareness, as in being aware / conscious of where our mindset is at, and after assessing, decide (as it is always up to us), whether or not we want to change it.

As for these 4 business mindset areas, I'd encourage anyone, after the observation stage to definitely move from trick to treat, for massive impact ;-)

Happy Halloween,


Written by HeatherStone
4653 days ago

Hi Frederique. Thanks so much for sharing this awesome post! I agree with you 100 percent about the mindsets that play tricks on us and lead us down the wrong path. Shared your post over on the BizSugar Facebook community as well. Check it out!

Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4652 days ago

Hi Heather, WOW, thank you for sharing!

Delighted you've enjoyed my article; it was awesome to write too, as the seasonal theme made it extra fun and worked well in conveying my points.

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