Socializing and building relationships online is a must if your want your business to move forward. Are you taking full advantage of socializing to build your online business?

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Written by HeatherStone
4310 days ago

Hi Sylviane,

I'm not sure how anyone can hope to make any progress as an online entrepreneur without paying some attention to the social part of the process. Tweeting, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and You Tube are just a few of the channels open to you. The same is true in any kind of small business. Someone must buy your products, spread the message about your brand, tell others about what you do through word of mouth, and those people can't find out about you unless you use social channels and let them know. Creating a steady stream of content is great and is an important part of marketing for an online business, but social channels are how you get that content out to your audience. It's that simple.

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