Scientists have proven that no two snowflakes are alike. I think the same holds true for how successful business owners design their work environments in order to enhance productivity. This week I asked:

How important is your work environment to your productivity,

and what is essential for you to be consistently productive?

The responses are as unique as the authors. The one constant is the importance of making your work environment your own. Different things work for different people, so trying to make your work space like everyone else’s will not necessarily get your creative and productive juices flowing. If you are seeking ways to improve your office space, see what the experts shared and then create an environment that caters to the ways you work best.

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Written by businessavante
4974 days ago

So many great ideas from so many people - It's interesting what works for some. They were all really good, but I want to comment on Ivan Walsh's idea that tools are just tools - so true. If Joe Doaks uses the same clubs Tiger Woods uses, will he be as good? If Joe Blow picks up a Stratocaster, will he play like Jimi Hendrix? Millions seem to buy into this, though some are just humbly emulating or identifying with the greats. It was also interesting that Laura Petrolino stands at her desk - I've worked with people that have tons of energy. Being the opposite, I've always envied them!


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