I do not agree with the author, but I link to this article for the conversation it creates. There's meaning in these sorts of discussions, even when you disagree. If nothing else, they bolster your resolve as an entrepreneur and owner.

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Written by JohnH
5497 days ago

I really can't say if small business is the key to economic recovery, but it's certainly important for preventing economic disaster. As the big companies lay off employees, many of those people start their own businesses -- keeping them out of the soup lines and creating the potential for new industries and employers.

Written by DebMark
5501 days ago

Typical comments from people in academia. They are so used to sucking the public teat that they wouldn't understand what it means to be an entrepreneur if it bit them in the a**.

Written by lyceum
5502 days ago

It is interesting to see Scott A. Shane giving arguments for the author. Have you read The Illusions of Entrepreneurship?

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