The Complete Guide To Launching A New Product

Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Startups
From 3039 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on June 5, 2016 4:44 pm
Entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to improve their business. They search long and hard for tips and hacks that will drive them forwards. Typically, everyone is after the answers to the same questions. How can I get more customers? How can I make more money? These are the two most asked questions by business owners for sure.

Well, in this guide, I’ll talk you through everything you need to know about a product launch. From the idea stage, right the way through to when it’s selling out fast. By the time you’ve finished reading this piece, you’ll have all the knowledge to go out there and make a high-quality, fast selling, product!


Written by lyceum
3036 days ago

You do a loop with your product and go forward, check, go "back", and then go forward again. It belongs to the lean start-up methodology.

Written by lyceum
3036 days ago

Erik: Have you heard about the iterate way of launching a new product?

Written by erikemanuelli
3036 days ago

How does that process works, Martin?

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