When you are self-employed you’ve usually got your head down and tail up, getting on with what needs to be done as part of the daily grind. Nine times out of ten, it needs to be done today so the idea of taking time out to put together a business plan can seem like a luxury you can’t afford, possibly even a waste of time.


Written by tiroberts
4119 days ago

Great piece. It can be quite challenging to be self-employed and run your business. You've shared some great insights here and I've opted in for your business plan template. Looking forward to receiving it. :)


Written by BrettJarman
4119 days ago

Good stuff Ti. I hope you enjoy your planning and wish you great success in your business.

Written by kingofcontent92
4121 days ago

In every action we make, a plan is very necessary. Being reckless and not organizing what's the best solution or steps has more consume of time and more tension than well planned and organized. Even though planning seems like a waste of time but it's worth.

Written by BrettJarman
4121 days ago

Thanks Kingofcontent92. Yes, planning is worth it and it helps folks become more organized in their business.

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