Wanting to become a successful entrepreneur? Do you want to earn fame, money and a good reputation? Are you passionate about business and making quick money? Read More
If you have recently looked at the growing tide of news and noise around core values in the workplace you will have already noticed that office posters are being ripped down everywhere. For example, Netflix’s culture manifesto, published on Slideshare and viewed over 11 million times emphasises the Read More
The arrival of millennials in the workplace is causing quite a stir. Why? Because they’re forcing employers to look very carefully at the conventional HR thinking. It is now clear that the practices that came into being during the industrial era no longer meet the challenges of managing millennial Read More
Are you outsourcing your content development? You may be a bit hesitant because you don't know about its benefits. Here is an article that discusses whether outsourcing your content is needed for your business. Read More
3 great tips to avoid adding more bad virtual assistants to your team than the rockstars you need to get the job done right and make more profits. Read More

Motivation through Gamification: The Path to Productivity?

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Human Resources
From http://www.smbceo.com 3372 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on July 8, 2015 8:07 am
For any size enterprise, perhaps the best way to enhance productivity is to establish targets and find creative ways for people to reach these. Here is where gamification comes into play. Read More

Workplace Bullies

Avatar Posted by cecilwampler under Human Resources
From http://www.peoplemanagementconsulting.com 3377 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on July 4, 2015 8:52 am
While it is not as blatant as schoolyard bullying, workplace bullies can still affect work performance and satisfaction. Let's take a look at who these bullies are, how they operate, and how to stop them. Read More
HR manager, Stephen, has heard things aren’t going well in Ron’s team. Conflict is creating a toxic team dynamic. And yet again, Kathy seems to be at the centre of it. Despite his experience, Ron is unable to manage the situation and Steven needs to intervene. Read More

Employee Recognition: Managers as First Class "Noticers".

Avatar Posted by arthurthesolo under Human Resources
From http://www.workstars.com 3379 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on July 1, 2015 12:09 pm
What are the best doing to maximise recognition from a managers perspective? How do they manage to tell authentic recognition stories that make employees and teams feel appreciated, when so many other managers cannot, or do not? The answer is simple. They are First Class “Noticers”. Read More

How To Prepare For ACA Compliance

Avatar Posted by tresnicmedia under Human Resources
From http://www.balancepointpayroll.com 3383 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on June 30, 2015 11:25 am
Preparing for the ACA can be a bit confusing. If you’re not sure how to get your business ACA ready, read this article to learn more on what you need to do. Read More

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