You can’t survive as an entrepreneur without resilience, because you are going to fail at least once, maybe multiple times. That’s the nature of trying something that’s never been done before. Resilience means not giving up, and being energized by what you have learned. As Thomas Edison said, "I ha Read More
In this episode of Business Systems Explored we speak to Kate Erickson of the fantastic Entrepreneur on Fire. Kate’s talking to us about how her content helped propel EOFire to one of the biggest podcasts ever made, and how she’s about to do it all over again with her new blog, Kate’s Take. Kate le Read More
Entrepreneurs looking for investor funding often fail to realize that all money comes with strings. For example, if you have watched the Shark Tank TV series, you probably noticed that the Sharks always ask the entrepreneurs for their intended “use of funds.” Those who respond with one of the wrong Read More
A common pain of startups after an exhilarating first surge of early adopters is a long and frustrating plateau of slow growth, where it seems like nothing you do will get your business to profitability. Too many entrepreneurs don’t know what to do at this point, largely accounting for that disappo Read More

10 New Leadership Attributes Drive Startup Success

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2978 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on July 30, 2016 6:57 pm
The reigning theory in business has long been that “alpha” leaders make the best entrepreneurs. These are aggressive, results-driven achievers who assert control, and insist on a hierarchical organizational model. Yet I am seeing more and more success from “beta” startup cultures, like Zappos and A Read More

Is office culture hurting your chance at success?

Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Startups
From 2977 days ago
Made Hot by: KristieWeltmermsh on July 29, 2016 3:26 pm
Tech startups are on the rise and many more people looking to build a startup and become a budding entrepreneur looking up to the founders of companies the likes of Mailchimp, Moz, and EventBrite. There are still ongoing debates on if office culture is the way to go anymore with remote working/tele Read More

Complete Guide to Customer Success for SaaS Companies

Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Startups
From 2978 days ago
Made Hot by: StellaShveyqgd on July 29, 2016 6:05 am
This guide will teach you how to stop users abandoning your software before they’ve seen how awesome it is.

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Every new entrepreneur who has not spent years in corporate life has the advantage of an unbiased look at business opportunities, but at the same time has the disadvantage of missing critical business experiences that can cost them dearly in their first startup venture. In my experience, building a Read More

10 Startup Priorities May Negate The Business Plan

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2981 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on July 26, 2016 11:08 am
If you are one of the new age of entrepreneurs who hates the thought of doing a business plan as a first step in starting your new venture you will love this message. More and more professionals agree that a better strategy is to explore and fine tune your assumptions before declaring a specific pl Read More
In this era of accelerating change, business-as-usual is the enemy of every business, new and old. Yet it’s an easy rut to fall into, and a tough one to break out of. Every business needs to “reach for the stars” on a regular basis, in much the same way the President Kennedy challenged a nation to Read More

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