What Women Need to Be Successful Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by Nellie Akalp under Startups
From http://blog.corpnet.com 3215 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on December 7, 2015 11:43 am
It’s a good time to be a female entrepreneur. While there are still fewer of us than male entrepreneurs, the numbers are rising: between 1997 and 2015, the number of women entrepreneurs has risen 74%. Women own 30% of businesses in the U.S. I’d love to see that number become 50% (or more!). Read More
Whether your business is a startup or large corporation, you need at least a few superstars who can get things done, despite all the challenges and distractions in the world today. Certainly, we've all heard the excuses of those who can't or won't perform. We've heard the repeated demands on our ti Read More

Learn Processes as Sexy as Your Products

Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Startups
From https://savetimeoutsourcing.com 3217 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on December 4, 2015 1:01 am
Processes aren’t sexy - they’re not attractive - matter of fact, they'd be the last kid picked for the high-school football team.

But you know what? We all need processes - because without them - you can have all the outsourcers in the world, but if you’re having to micro-manage then that's no s Read More

Why Entrepreneurship Always Takes More Time Than You Expect

Avatar Posted by sh4ddai under Startups
From http://www.entrepreneur.com 3219 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on December 2, 2015 11:53 pm
One of the most severe and common miscalculations associated with entrepreneurship is the tendency to underestimate the amount of time it takes to actually lead a business. Read More

12 Ways to Pursue a Side Project While Running a Business

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Startups
From http://www.noobpreneur.com 3219 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on December 2, 2015 1:59 pm
Q: I want to pursue a side project. What is one way I can accomplish my personal goals while keeping my company in tip-top shape?

Here are the answers from 12 entrepreneurs. Read More

4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Create More Innovations

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3220 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on December 2, 2015 1:49 pm
In today’s fast moving world of business startups, learning trumps knowing every time. What established businesses know through experience keeps them from looking for the new and innovative ways to do what they do better, cheaper, and faster. I’m convinced that’s why most mature companies are slowi Read More

Why Startup PR is High-Risk Proposition

Avatar Posted by mapleleafmark under Startups
From http://www.markevans.ca 3221 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on December 1, 2015 11:26 am
For many startups, particularly early-stage startups, using a PR agencies to do media outreach is a waste of time and energy. Read More
After working with dozens of entrepreneurs, I’m still amazed that some seem to be able to do the job easily and effectively, always in control, while others always seem to be struggling, out-of-control, and fighting the latest crisis. I am more and more convinced that it is the right business behav Read More

Common Mistakes People Make When Starting a Small Business

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Startups
From http://www.eggmarketingpr.com 3223 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on November 30, 2015 10:09 am
A fragile business organization without solid foundations and recognizable brand can bite the dust in no time. Learning how to run business the hard way is not preferable if you can learn from the experience of others when starting a small business. Read More

8 Myths That Can Inhibit Innovation In Your Business

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3224 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on November 28, 2015 4:40 pm
Starting an entrepreneurial business, or maintaining the competitiveness of a mature business, requires innovation. Yet everyone I know seems to have a different perspective on what constitutes real innovation, and why is seems to happen so rarely. Another challenge is to debunk some of the common Read More

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