Effective website design coding by Poetic Prophet (AKA The SEO Rapper)

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Online Marketing
From http://youtube.com 5997 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 20, 2008 9:36 pm
Rapping about creating a search engine friendly website, Poetic Prophet has certainly created his own niche. And while you could say this is a rapping spoof, he's actually pretty good. Not only is this entertaining, but listen closely and you might actually learn something. Read More

Avoid Crisis Management with These Simple Daily Schedule Changes

Avatar Posted by dlanders under Startups
From http://www.productivitytoday.com 5998 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 20, 2008 7:14 pm
There is no question that crises do arise from time to time, issues that require everyone to change focus. However they tend to occur much more frequently then needed. In so many situations, prior planning would obviate the need for last-minute rush efforts. How can you start to make changes within your organization to limit the fire-fighting Read More

Eight sales strategies for startups

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Sales
From http://www.thestreet.com 5997 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 20, 2008 3:11 am
Walk into any McDonald's, order a Quarter Pounder, and the clerk will invariably ask, "Do you want fries with that?" Each affirmative answer adds $1 or more to that particular sale. If just a fraction of McDonald's' 54 million daily customers say yes to that question, that's millions of extra dollars in the burger biggie's pocket. The sa Read More

Secrets Of Paid Search Success From 1930s Direct Mail Wizards

Avatar Posted by ILuvMktg under Online Marketing
From http://searchengineland.com 5998 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 19, 2008 8:02 pm
We search marketers can learn a lot from the direct mail wizards. Putting it more crudely: if Claude Hopkins were alive, his Google campaigns would kick ass. Claude Hopkins. Albert Lasker. John Caples. David Ogilvy. Leo Burnett. Maxwell Sackheim. If you don't know these names, you should. They're the guys who invented direct respo Read More

The Secret of Tracking Yahoo! Keyword Data in Google Analytics

Avatar Posted by ILuvMktg under Online Marketing
From http://www.ppchero.com 5998 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 19, 2008 8:02 pm
For advertisers who are using Google Analytics in tandem with their AdWords PPC account, the process for tracking data is a cinch. The question then becomes, “How do I track this data for my Yahoo! Search Marketing PPC campaigns?” Read More

Bundle Your Insurance for Greater Savings

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Employee Benefits
From http://www.allbusiness.com 5998 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 19, 2008 4:08 am
Ya got me on this one - who knew I could bundle my worker's comp with my medical benefits and potentially save on both? In one company I'm working with, we just changed insurance providers for our group health benefits as our old provider wanted to increase premiums 20%. Once that was done, our new broker made us aware that Blue Cross coul Read More

Small businesses get shot at makeover

Avatar Posted by grumpygorilla under News
From http://www.greeleytrib.com 5999 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 18, 2008 10:13 pm
The National Federation of Independent Business along with SBTV.com and Sam's Club will give away a $100,000 business makeover as part of National Small Business Week beginning Monday through April 25. The makeover would include $25,000 in cash, merchandise, supplies and equipment from Sam's Club or samsclub.com, mentoring from SBTV.com experts Read More

3 Ideas for Customer Retention Programs

Avatar Posted by luckycharmer under Customer Service
From http://tmt.targetmarketingmag.com 5998 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 18, 2008 10:12 pm
To hold onto customers, whether they're brand-new or have been interacting with your company for years, consider the following three tips from direct marketing consultant Lee Marc Stein and copywriter Mark Hallen. They were recently featured in Stein's e-mail newsletter, Increasing Return on Marketing Dollars, along with 18 more ideas for improvin Read More

Getting on the Radar Of an Industry's Top Bloggers

Avatar Posted by luckycharmer under Public Relations
From http://online.wsj.com 5998 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 18, 2008 6:53 pm
Small businesses looking to pitch their products or services to influential blogs have some help these days. A host of Web sites and free tools are allowing companies to find out who the top bloggers in their industry are, what they are writing, and how readers are responding. Being informed about what is being said can help a small business cr Read More

10 ways out of a crunch without hiring employees

Avatar Posted by luckycharmer under Management
From http://www.smallbizsurvival.com 5998 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 18, 2008 6:53 pm
As your business starts to take off, you'll hit a time when you have more work than you can do, but not so much that you are ready (or can afford) to hire an employee. How can you handle the crunch? Here are ten ways to delegate some of the work, without hiring any employees. Read More

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