The Secret Google Quality Raters' Handbook

Avatar Posted by wontonu under Online Marketing
From 6002 days ago
Made Hot by: suzyQ on April 14, 2008 9:23 pm
Last month the Google Quality Rater's handbook was leaked online. This is what Google deems important when judging the quality and relevance of a web page. In spite of what many say, Google does not entirely rely on automatic computer-based algorithms in its search engine rankings. They do employ human editors that control the quality of se Read More
From the page: "Most US adults are uncomfortable that some websites use information about one's online activity to customize website content or ads - but, if site privacy and security policies were improved, most would be comfortable with the practice, according to a new study." Read More

Small Businesses Fight to Scuttle Tax Proposals

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Taxes
From 6003 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 14, 2008 8:23 pm
Advocates for small businesses are fighting changes in tax laws that the Bush administration says are aimed at cracking down on tax cheating, particularly by the self-employed. These changes will create a mountain of new paperwork that will be cumbersome and costly. One proposal, part of President Bush's budget, would require detailed reporting Read More

3 Multichannel Trigger Campaigns That Work

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Direct Marketing
From 6004 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 14, 2008 5:50 pm
Multichannel trigger marketing uses customer behaviors (internal triggers) and outside factors, such as seasons and life-cycle data (external triggers), to develop timely, relevant, one-to-one communications. Trigger marketing campaigns take advantage of both print and online vehicles to encourage a specific consumer response. As 100% variable Read More

PubAccess Brings Ad Options to Small Online Pubs

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Online Marketing
From 6005 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 14, 2008 12:38 pm
AOL's division is launching a tool for publishers to help them monetize their sites, according to a company release. PubAccess works by allowing publishers to connect with advertisers on As is the case on AdSense, they can also block certain advertisers from appearing on their sites. PubAccess is intended to Read More
Some even have called the use of service-based, transactional e-mail the "new wave in e-mail marketing." If you have yet to add transactional e-mail to your marketing mix, you're missing a huge opportunity. With the right strategy and infrastructure, you easily and inexpensively can transform your service-based messages into revenue-making oppo Read More
From the page: "If I'd known then what I know now, would I have gone into this business? I don't know. But here's some wisdom I wish I had back then" Read More

Go ahead, dream small

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Strategy
From 6005 days ago
Made Hot by: TimJustus on April 12, 2008 12:10 am
There's a time and place to go big, lord knows we get told how small we are often enough. But when it comes to marketing your small business I would trade big dreams and pages of killer ideas for one little strategy brilliantly and consistently executed. Small business owners get so caught up in the “web 3.0 idea of the day” that they never get Read More

Only 25% Of Viewers See Web Ads Below The Fold

Avatar Posted by morecowbell under Online Marketing
From 6005 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 11, 2008 6:16 pm
Internet users don't even see most of the ads on a Web page, particularly if they're below the fold--whether the site is a highly trafficked media property or a niche blog. That's according to new research from MarketingSherpa. The marketing research and consulting firm commissioned Eyetools to run an eye-tracking study with the goal of fin Read More

Tips for better employee training

Avatar Posted by luckycharmer under Management
From 6005 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 11, 2008 2:23 pm
In a business downturn, employee training may be the first budget to be cut at a small company. But the right training has the potential to have a dramatic impact on a company's bottom line, and a program that raises the level of employee engagement can help retention. Read More

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