The great inflation cover-up

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Finance
From 5995 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 22, 2008 1:54 pm
Why is 91% of the population worried about inflation while the fed assures us that everything is under control? There are several possibilities: The first is that we're all paranoid. We simply need reassurance from the authorities: Inflation rates are fine, nothing to see here, move along quietly. The second is that the Fed's insistence on f Read More
With tax season behind us, a recession looming and gas at an all-time high, is there anything that business can look forward to? You bet there is: It is tax rebate time! And if you're smart, your small business will have a plan in place before those checks are ever cut to help consumers spend their stimulus payment with you. Read More

McCain: Cutting taxes more important than balanced budget

Avatar Posted by JulieR under Taxes
From 5995 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 22, 2008 12:58 am
McCain: Cutting taxes more important than balanced budget Read More

NFIB Contest - Win $5,000 and Summit Invite | Small Business Trends

Avatar Posted by grumpygorilla under News
From 5995 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 22, 2008 12:57 am
The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) is sponsoring a contest. The Grand Prize Winner receives a $5,000 cash prize and an all expense paid trip to Washington D.C. to attend the June 8-11, 2008 National Small Business Summit. Read More

How to trap the busiest of prospects with Google local

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Online Marketing
From 5995 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 22, 2008 12:56 am
Google's local business center is providing marketers with a complete arsenal of weapons to trap time-starved prospects, including video as we told you last week. Marketer John Jantsch at Duct Tape Marketing followed up with great post, reminding me of all the ways you can use Google local business services (i.e., the maps). To my mind, his li Read More

4 tips for writing a strong case study

Avatar Posted by Becky under Marketing
From 5996 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 21, 2008 10:06 pm
Case Studies are the marketing version of Aesop's Fables. Stories told to make a point or teach a lesson that demonstrates the value of your product or service. So how do create a good case study? Read More

How to Reduce Your Shipping Fees

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Finance
From 5997 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 21, 2008 6:08 pm
The slow economy spells some unexpected breaks for shippers. Eager to grab bigger shares of a market that has all but stopped growing, FedEx, UPS and DHL will duke it out, negotiating contracts to reduce rates, despite an official 6.9% hike this year. Walk-ins, however, will pay the full fare. Package delivery services won't trumpet the price Read More

Bring Out the Leader in Each Employee

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Management
From 5997 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 21, 2008 2:35 pm
Good leaders understand the link between happy and fulfilled employees and satisfied customers and clients. Your employees can be a goldmine of good ideas and creative energy, as well as your strongest resource, provided you empower them to be leaders themselves. Here are some ways you can bring out the leader in each of your employees: Read More

What SEO Myths to Watch Out For

Avatar Posted by LisaAlexander under Online Marketing
From 5996 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 21, 2008 2:33 pm
A few myths we should all know about. Read More

The Different Types of Small Business Owners

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under News
From 5997 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 21, 2008 1:34 pm
The more businesses a person owns, the higher his or her income, education level, and loan amounts and mortgage, finds an Experian study of small-business owners - sole business owners and multi-business owners. Compared with the overall population, small business owners are more likely to be married and have children, have a college education Read More

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