This post lays down the basics of advertising on LinkedIn, explains how it works, and shares some tricks and best practices to get the most from your LinkedIn CPC investment. Read More
I recently came across a question from an entrepreneur who had started a computer repair business that he operated from home and could repair his customers' computers at remote locations. The great thing about his business was that he could draw from a much larger customer base - not just local... Read More
With podcasts, online radio stations, videos and TV shows produced specifically for the web, more ‘old fashioned’ means of advertising have really taken a back seat. But, does that mean it’s a bad idea to advertise on regular radio or in print? Read More
For a new restaurant, offline marketing is the way to get started. That is not to say that you should ignore the internet. However, I think restaurant owners who reach out OFFLINE to their target market as a group will get them the best results for the least amount of advertising dollars.

Here' Read More
It does not have to be expensive to build a customer base and you do not need to know all there is to know about digital marketing. Here's how. Read More
Something is always better than nothing. Luckily, when you’re talking about advertising for a new business, you can buy a lot of somethings with almost nothing! Here’s how. Read More
See what Dr. Howie Jacobson says about his book Adwords for Dummies. He goes over numerous tips and tricks on this. Read More
Google will penalize the entire site if there is too much space used to display ads, especially above the fold, so it’s about size not number of ads, Matt Cutts Clarified this in a Google+ hangout! Read More
See what Dr. Howie Jacobson, author of Adwords for Dummies, says about adwords for beginners. He goes over numerous tips and tricks on this. Read More
British-born David Ogilvy was one of the original, and greatest, "ad men." In 1948, he started what would eventually be known as Ogilvy & Mather, the Manhattan-based advertising agency that has since been responsible for some of the world's most iconic ad campaigns, and in 1963 he even wrote... Read More

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