Circulation soars for the Economist and Financial Times Read More
Digital media is booming in Asia Read More
Is there ever a time when it's appropriate to lie to the media? Read More
Is it ever appropriate to give journalists sample gifts? Will it help or hurt your cause? Read More
Foreign words bring new life to advertising copy Read More
Research indicates that businesses that maintain or increase their advertising budgets during a recession experience positive sales growth. During the 1981-1982 economic slowdown, businesses that maintained or increased their marketing campaigns actually averaged higher growth during the recession and in the three years following the recession. Read More
The Super Bowl has become so much more than just the game, and nowhere is that shown better than in the big budget commercials. Brands like Budweiser, Coke, Pepsi and many others have been laying down huge money annually for decades now to have their ads in the big game and they often deliver memorable commercials that keep people talking long aft Read More
I recently the following email to my staff. It was accompanied by the article I wrote on Thanking Our Clients. Dear Team: As you've heard me say in the past, we need to thank our lucky stars for our friends, family, our business colleagues and “especially” our advertisers. When you get back to your desks today, start calling those you do Read More
With the economy tanking, many small business owners are using promotions, sales and discounts to boost profits this holiday season. Coupons are a natural fit, since so many consumers are actively looking for ways to save money. Before you run a discount promotion though, make sure you take a look at the 5 specific steps to coupon success below to Read More

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