Digital Marketing Philippines takes you into this journey of exploring lead generation ideas that were specifically tested and proven to deliver results. Read More
Digital Marketing Philippines delivers the following list of Do’s and Don’ts that will help digital marketers get the most from their Adwords PPC Campaign. Read More
You ever seen the movie Desperate Measures from 1997. Not really one of my favourite movies, but the plot is good. Michael Keaton stars as deranged sociopath, Peter McCabe. Read More
In today's age of information overload much of data we collect has a limited shelf life. This post looks at how you can keep your lead funnel as fresh as possible ensuring you don't lose potential sales due to data decay... Read More
Ever seen the original American Pie movie from 1999? You know the one, where 4 teenagers try their hardest to get laid. Long story short... there's a classic scene where Jim manages to get lucky. Read More
Retail sales are very difficult to get a handle on. It's hard to determine sales dips and increases and to pinpoint the causes. Here are three tips I use to maximize retail sales no matter the environment. Read More
Despite what most people believe... your copy is NOT the most crucial aspect of a sales funnel. The common thought is that if a marketing campaign fails, it is the fault of the copywriter. Read More
Yes it's true... Despite what a lot of people think... You've gotta speak your mind when sending out emails. And not be shy to offend or upset people. Read More
So many blog posts, think tanks and marketers search for the secret ingredient to a successful marketing campaign; working out the best time of day to send, which media to use, which platform etc. Sometimes the answer is there right in front of your nose... Read More
Phone marketing is still here to stay. Even though people are now marketing their products and services on the Internet, there is still a need to market through phone. Here are some tips on how you can market your products and services the right way. Read More

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