While the move for corporate advertising has shifted significantly onto the web, it’s always helpful to remember that there is still value in print media. Far from being out-dated, marketing methods such as brochures, flyers, books, etc. can still yield positive results for your business Read More
Electronic commerce, otherwise known as eCommerce (which is the term that everyone uses), quickly became one of the most sought after ways of trading of goods (of any kind), all around the World. Read More
You know, I've read Stephen King's excellent book "On Writing" a few times.

And I've gotta say it's an awesome read. The book is based on his own approach to the writing process itself... and includes a lot of tips for aspiring writers. Read More
Sounds a bit bizarre doesn't it. I mean Jenny Craig (the weight loss company) and copywriting couldn't have much in common could they? Read More
Here's what not to do with email...

If you've ever been an affiliate before you've probably been introduced to swipe email. You know, where they provide you with prewritten emails to send out to your list.
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There's one scene in the Terminator that I never get sick of watching... It takes place in a police station which is holding Sarah Connor. Here's the dialogue... Read More
Is your existing business website looking a little older or tired? Is it short in delivering traffic expectations?

Your website is an important marketing tool that should be working hard for you 24/7 – delivering lots of traffic, new clients and business growth.

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One thing that amazes me is the fact that so many people are afraid to take risks. The world is filled with disgruntled employees who hate what they’re doing and the mundane daily routine that goes with it. Read More
One of my favourite movies is the original version of "The Transporter". Assuming you've seen it, you'll know exactly who Frank Martin is. Read More
Not long ago, I finished reading Neil Strauss's fascinating book, "The Game". This is a story about a shy, introverted writer who decides to learn from a group Read More

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