Multitasking is the process of doing more than one thing at a time. This seems really good, as the one who can do multitasking is considered a jack of all trades. But, every time it is not considered positive and appreciated, especially when it comes to applying for the jobs. Read More
Having emotions is common during interviews. But what kind of emotions do we actually have? Which ones are good and which ones aren’t? Find out what emotions most people have during interviews and how you can control them in order to make a good impression and land the job of your dreams. Read More
Many single mothers have to work to make their ends meet. It is a challenging situation where they need to balance career and personal life without compromising either. There are many challenges when you are a mother and you need to ensure that a child’s early years are not affected by your work pr Read More
Attending a hadoop interview is difficult. You have to know what sort of questions will be asked, how you can answer them, what is the best way to put a good impression etc. Though it is quite challenging to nail a hadoop interview, we have some really interesting and common interview questions Read More
In this very competitive world, hiring managers are in a situation to receive more than 1000 applications for a single opening. In order to showcase yourself out from the crowd, you need to concentrate on few things on your resume which highlights your unique talents. One such thing which would Read More
If you have made till the call letter for the interview half the work is done. Now its only left to impress the recruiters and make them feel that you are the right person for the job. In a Pilot interview there are two sections: one is the technical section and another performance & competency Read More
Marketing will do anything to enhance customer satisfaction and Quality goes out of the way to ensure the highest quality. Read More
Every day in our life we have so much confusion which takes place. Sometimes it is of very small importance like which dress to wear, what to cook, what to eat, etc. They are being faced easily because it doesn’t hold any importance and can be dealt even if it is been chosen wrong. Read More
Music does play a very important role in our lives. Not only does it allow us to convey our happiness but also lets you calm down. Music is one of the best and most wonderful ways of expression these days. Whether you are an artist or a recorder, how will you get work in this field? Read More
In this post I am writing about three tools, that will enable people an effective job in a scattered team (and not only). Read More

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