Learn how to give feedback constructively and honestly in this instructive, animated video. See how two simple principles will help you deliver feedback that sticks. Hear how to create a positive feedback cycle by setting performance indicators and matching your feedback messages to these. Then cov Read More
Communication has become so fast and dependable that a business can exist with employees located anywhere in the world. Small businesses and tech start-ups, for instance, thrive on the outsourced and freelance talent. Read More
Digital technology has infiltrated every aspect of business. It has become the pivot in today’s corporate world. This doesn’t mean the human element has lost its importance. The HR Function plays an important role in the success of an organization. It covers several key areas including recruitment, Read More
The Best Employee Engagement Strategy is From The Bottom Up,focusing on changing the Employee Engagement strategy from being a traditionally top-down approach decided upon by senior managers to being a bottom up approach. This has been the etimes2 approach and was our aim as we developed our Emplo Read More
The willingness, even the ability, to compromise is a good thing. But just like anything we try to balance, it is easy to go too far in either direction. Read More
When we think about our work life, we fundamentally want to be happy. Studies have shown that performance and job satisfaction (“happiness”) go hand in hand in making an organization successful. Associate Professor of Organizational Psychology at Yale University, Amy Wrzesniewski, discovered that p Read More
In this employee engagement podcast, etimes2 CEO Nigel McPolin discusses what is the definition of employee engagement to an organization. Read More
Leaders tend to be excellent communicators. Therefore, if you wanted to develop yourself as a leader, you could start by improving your communication skills. Leaders use language in wonderful ways.
If you want to know more about the language of leadership, please read on… Read More
A recent report from the Office of National Statistics highlighted the productivity of each of the G7 countries in 2012. The report shows that output per hour in the UK was 21% lower than average for the rest of the G7 industrialised economies. With UK employees’ productivity also falling 25% behin Read More
I consider these 5 papers among the most important for shaping our view of the L&D profession.

Some of my peers have been so kind as to add their own recommendations to the list, building it up to 8.
Read More

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