Social media can benefit your business. There are a few strategies that you can employ if you want to get your business noticed on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Read More
Today I would like to share some great quotes by Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft corporation.If you have another one, don’t forget to add it to our comment section. Read More
Is your business success at risk? Ethics are usually the first casualty as Ego raises its ugly head. Have you begun to drift over to the dark side? Read More
If you want to be a single-income household so one of you stays home with the kids, you might have to look beyond tradition and figure out what’s best for you and your family. Here are some things to consider as you decide which spouse should stay. Read More
This is a blog post series, where I reveal different ways to deal with cubicle distraction.

In this second part, I’m going to talk about 5 other distraction types and how to handle them. Read More
Do you use incentive programs to motivate your staff? Although incentives are often used for in-house sales teams, a new study from Staples Advantage shows that all kinds of employees value rewards programs and that they can be effective tools.
Read More
Achievement is achievement. There are differences, big differences, among the people who achieve. Differences in background and range of abilities and desires. But the similarities are more important than the differences when it comes to understanding how they managed to achieve so much. Read More
As a manager do you need to your staff feedback or constructive critism?

Most people don’t like being criticised.
They only like praise.
Most people find criticism, embarrassing, annoying and sometimes offensive to receive.

So you need to be able to give criticism in such a way that it does Read More
Handling difficult people:

Are any of your managers NOT very good at handling difficult people?

They either:
• Avoid the issue completely, or
• They are too easy-going and give away too many concessions to the difficult person, or else
• They go in too hard and make a bad situatio Read More
Trying to find a balance with your business and life can be a challenge. Listed are ten keys that will help make your business and your life more enjoyable Read More

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