Learning a new skill is a cycle. It requires you to put in time and effort to master it. Once you master it, it becomes a habit where you will just do it naturally! Find out the crucial steps to achieve what you want in life Read More
The driving force of any organization is the leadership. Leadership and management have many definitions. Here I would like to refer the term leadership to management and leader to manager. The reason being, I personally feel that all managers are leaders as they help their team identify their goal Read More
We started our company in 1987 and being an entrepreneur is one of the most rewarding experiences. After more than 25 years in business, I still can't imagine working for anyone else. As you can imagine, we've experienced a lot of learning lessons over time. Below are my top five: Read More
Contractors, wander your favorite home improvement center, keep a sharp eye out for those who look like they're getting ready to do a lot of construction! Read More
Small business innovation cannot solely be judged by external, marketplace-driven factors. What's going on "under the hood" also drives an enterprise's ability to be a game changer. Read More
Organizing. Set all necessary items in a neat orderly fashion so that they can be located and retrieved safely and quickly. Determining where and when items are needed, and placing them in a way that promotes efficient work flow. A worker should not have to hunt for necessary tools, or walk to anot Read More
Seiri involves taking a fresh look at the workplace and identifying unnecessary items. This means coming to terms with the now and eliminating what is not now. Denying the possibilities of “we might need that someday” and accepting that we won’t. Read More
Cloud services can boost business performance at minimal capital investment on IT infrastructure. However, the price to pay for such perks is rather expensive. Read More
It’s my intention to prove to you – beyond a shadow of a doubt – that you truly can Have, Do and Be anything that you want. I’d like to start off by going through some of the steps that will help you get back in touch with the person you were BORN to be. Read More
Times are tough right now. When all resumes start to look the same, it’s the interview that will land you the job. Be the best—here’s how. Read More

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