The beauty of owning your own business is that you get to choose with whom you work with. There are numerous reasons why one would turn away business. Whatever the reason, there is fine art to turning away clients and customers professionally. Read More
This post features the most popular cloud-based software categories and applications for SMBs in Canada that can boost productivity and are popular on Read More
Older women can effectively leverage their rich professional experiences and personal wisdom and maturity when starting a new career after 50. Read More
No matter what focus you have in your life or whats your business endeavors are, time is your most valuable resource. You can’t see it, touch it or feel it, but if you don’t use every minute of it, it's lost forever. Time is a great equalizer in which the rich, the poor, the successful blogger and Read More
Fact: Experienced women employees bring more revenue to a company. Womenomics is showing how the future of the 21st century economy lies in the hands of women. Read More
In this post, I want to talk with you about what it takes to make money from home: decent equipment, proper planning, the support of family and friends, and even the right type of personality. To be successful as a location independent professional (LIP,) each of these four items is vital. Read More
The current stock market volatility has many wondering how market risks could affect their retirement prospects. Learn how you can hedge against some of those risks. Read More
Want to learn how to jump-start your afternoon?

After doing these 3 steps, you are going to notice a huge boost in your productivity.
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Day before yesterday I attended the ‘Senior Executive Thought Leaders Forum‘ at the Union Club in Cleveland, Ohio–sponsored by Dise & Company.

The topic of the presentation was “Change Anything” presented by Kurt Southam of Southam Consulting. Kurt is a PhD in Organizational Behavior from Brigha Read More
Is working with family a dream or a nightmare?

There are plenty of stories to support either point of view. It’s not difficult to find stories about family working relationships that have turned into bitter rivalries, and even court battles, and there are other examples of companies th Read More

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