I have worked in an office job over 14 years. If there is anything that I have learned during these years is that if you let the distraction get you, you will procrastinate, be stressed over by deadlines or feel lousy about yourself.

Therefore it is extremely important to understand the differen Read More
I cannot say that being noble, independent, or creative actually go together. Maybe in a perfect world they would. Nevertheless, they are . . . Read More
Business mentoring is a great endeavour you should take to help others better and achieve more success. It's rewarding and at the same time, challenging. Read More
Almost every day I come across the situation when an entrepreneur wants to build a business online. It’s quite clear that the Internet can help start a profitable online business. Moreover, there are a lot of people who have already managed to achieve success in online business. Read More
Which type of leader are you? Which type do you want to be? Thinking about what type of leader you would like to work for is a good first step. Learn the rest of the rules here. Read More
Projects are a little like a compost heap. Projects require management, the right components and control to product the end project result. A compost heap is just the same. You need to know what goes in and look after it well to get a useable result! Read More
There are expectations about men and women that are set in social norms exhibited in the workplace. How can we support each person in developing a leadership style that fits and works for the organization? Read More
Whether you're planning to run a business on the side or launch a full-scale operation, you're going to have to meet certain expectations as do other professionals who work in your industry. Making sure you're in compliance with legally enforced regulations can be especially frustrating when you're Read More
The recent recession has changed the make-up of the workforce. Since the recession, there has been a rise in temp jobs, freelancing jobs and adjunct professor jobs. If you are looking for a job, it’s a good idea to consider the new realities of work. Read More
A lot has changed since the financial crisis of 2008. And one of those things is the workforce. The workforce is changing — we may be on the verge of seeing a true decline in the full-time, full benefits workforce we have come to expect. Read More

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