It's almost impossible to find a job today that doesn’t involve working with other people. Thus, how you behave and treat others is important to your success as an individual and member of a business team. In business, consider confidence and a cocky attitude the difference between life and death. Read More
An article describing how the adoptation of a CRM solution in an organization can be a powerful motivating tool for members of staff and lead to increased employee loyalty and satisfaction. Read More
The 7 Key Characteristics that are essential for the 21st century business woman to build a vision and help her partners and staff fulfill that vision. Read More
True employee engagement occurs when individuals apply the full measure of their creative energy and talent to performing work that wholly supports achievement Read More
Tracking, managing and understanding the costs associated with your project delivery is vital to ensuring profitability. Without understanding the costs, your business will never really come to grips with effectively managing projects to budget. A lesson from Jerry Maguire! Read More
Here are 3 great ways in which you can get brand names even logos and advertising campaigns for free… Read More
What is it about the partnership that brings different reactions from different sets of people? In this article we will highlight the pros and cons of being in a partnership. Read More
We will not only teach you the importance of writing an inquiry letter, but will also provide you with some tips on how to write a letter that will give you access to the most sought after jewel of any job hunter. The unadvertised open position. Read More
Supervisory skills training

The supervisor has a tricky job.

They are under fire from all sides:
1. From their more senior managers
2. From their customers
3. From their subordinate.

The supervisor is often promoted from within the organisation, and may even be trying to “managing his Read More
One consideration that is rarely thought of is what could happen if the taxpayer’s tax return is selected for an IRS audit. The IRS is now both equipping and training its auditors on a couple of the most commonly used software packages. This may only be a start down a rocky road for the taxpayer. Read More

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