This is the second of two articles published by Modern Legal Marketing, which discusses 3 things that attorneys and law firms should know about social media marketing. The first was of three myths about social media, and this one touches on facts to know. Read More
It has been proven that if you have too many choices, you are more likely to REGRET your selection.
Here are 7 Steps To Help You Make Better Decisions compiled by Catherine Price, author of 101 Places Not To See Before You Die. Read More
This year turns 15 years old and that is good news for small to medium sized businesses (SMBs). They offer 29 web-based applications that covers areas such as: customer management, support, project management, accounting, design, recruitment…In this first article we go over Zoho Docs and   Read More
I am running at a fevered, frenzied pace trying desperately to get it all done. And it is usually about this time that I am hungry for ways to be more productive. I thought I would spend today’s post talking about five unconventional, counter-intuitive tips I use to increase my productivity. Read More
Losing sight of your vision for the business and getting stuck in the day to day can slowly kill your business dreams.
When you question and lose faith what do you do to regroup? Read More
With today's unemployment, how does small business use this time to shore up their staff or business? By using the deep labor pool, a business can affect changes that can serve them well not only during the economic down-turn but also prepare them for the coming changes. Read More
How project management, collaboration tools, customer support, online back-up, accounting and ERP software can help US small businesses beat the recession. Read More
Our thoughts directly impact our bottom line; from a thought, to a decision, to an action, to a result. So, in this series of mini posts, I share powerful mindset shifts, empowering you to embrace your success. Today, "Where you are today is the direct result of… Read More
Mentoring involves sharing your knowledge and wisdom. Joining mentorship communities, offers women a unique advantage to succeed in career or business. Read More
There is no reason to have others always telling you want to do, how to do things and how much money you are allowed to make. It is time for a change. Read More

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