We started to talk about the CEO's and business people that he admires and wishes to emulate.And that's when I got to wondering...are roles models really useful on a daily basis? Read More
We remember the exceptional leaders in our lives. Thinking closer, what they did to make them exceptional, is to make us exceptional. Read more to learn how to become a leader that brings out the best in each employee to help them succeed. Read More
We are constantly perceiving what is around us, while simultaneously projecting our own self-composed narratives onto what we see. It’s difficult to know the difference. Is there one? Read More
Hire slow, fire fast is a long-time adage in business. Yet hiring right is easier said than done. This article looks at a unique formula that can help you find people who are the right fit for your business. Read More
Zoho is one of the most respected suite of web-based online collaboration, business and productivity applications for small to mid-sized businesses.

This is part two of our series on Zoho products. In part one we covered off the story of Zoho and their two flagship products Zoho Docs and Zoho CR Read More
There is only so much that a professional resume writer can do to make you shine. Your pro-active resume can look great, but if anything negative that gets on the internet, well don’t expect employers to be lining up to schedule interviews. Read More
Passion can be the beauty that entices you to launch the perfect business, or the beast that talks you into a terrible decision. Be smart. Start here. Read More
At a certain growth stage of your small business, you might want to consider whether you should incorporate your business or not. Read on to learn more... Read More
Legal Web Design effectiveness is often constrained by low marketing budgets. This article discusses what can be done within any budget for law practice marketing. Breaks down what are the important things to do based on different budgets. Read More
I want to hear what you have to say about insurance. Take 30 seconds (or more if you wish) and scroll down to the comments section of this page and let me know your thoughts, ideas, perceptions of insurance and the insurance industry.

Maybe you think that Insurance is a Scam?! Great... Tell me Read More

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