Log Cabins may just be a brilliant way of creating an office that has all of the advantages of working from home while avoiding the possible disadvantages. Read More
Corporations are making good profits and have record levels of cash. Conversely, employment is way off traditional post-recession highs. How come? Read More
In recent years we have heard of companies that were supposedly too big to fail, meaning that they would have to be bailed out if they were in a financial mess because their ruin could have a chain reaction to other companies as well. But as a blogger, wouldn’t it be nice to own a blog that was suc Read More
Recognizing differences in international business practices and differences between cultures throughout the world is part of doing business globally. Here are six things you should be aware of in regards to doing business cross-borders. Read More
Author, Michael Gerber, shares three exercises to awaken the entrepreneur within you to come out and begin do her work to create your new and astonishing world. Read More
Have you ever noticed how some people have a knack for finding opportunities, they seemingly fall from the sky right into their hot little lap.

Is it a case of right place, right time or is there something else at play?
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Today almost every online entrepreneur has a blog and wants it to be constantly visited by users. Content is what readers expect to find when they visit your blog. Read More
Do you live your dream daily - even on Mondays? Read more to learn how you might be able to start doing just that. Read More
Pictures can be an incredibly powerful tool of change. They can cause someone to understand the importance of what you do and, more importantly, to act. So, how will you use pictures to get donor to act? Written bu Sumac Research. Read More
There are many people out there who hate their jobs. In fact, I used to be one of them, but after changing my thoughts a bit, I started to appreciate my work.

By using these tips, you can make your day job experience much smoother than before.
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