For simple paperwork and filing tasks, LegalZoom is a decent alternative to overpriced lawyers. Read More
Here are seven myths about employee surveys. They are based on the questions we've heard from cients over the years. The myths are found in bold text below and our attempt at debunking each myth follows. Read More
US Boeing workers strike over pay Read More
Adding humor into your small business can create an environment everyone is motivated to work in. Read More
Jerry Kalish of Retirement Plan Blog explains what entrepreneurs should consider in deciding what retirement plan to offer their employees. Read More
What do leaders need to know about intellectual property strategy? The potential of IP, the opportunity cost of IP, and the true meaning of using IP strategically. Read More
If you are ready for a powerful transformation in your life, Transforming Power: Stories from Transformational Leaders for Inspiration and Encouragement is a book you must read. Transformation Leadership is a shift towards leading with a vision, while building synergy with a higher purpose. Hugh B Read More
This is a short article that discusses the advantages of one-on-one computer training. Most companies spend money sending employees to take publicly scheduled computer training courses thinking longer is better when in fact the opposite is true. Private one-on-one training can be more effective and cost efficient. Read More

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