Every time a search engine results page displays a snippet of one of your web pages it is an advertisement for your website. In one way it is a free advert, but Read More
Business owners know the importance of having a business plan. Sales people should view their territories as a business, then plan execute and run them accordingly. Read More
Tarzan swings in to champion B2B

I couldn't resist a dig. Lord Heseltine (nicknamed Tarzan) spoke brilliantly and masterfully at the Gyro HSR 'Brand versus Demand' event on Tuesday 23rd, but for me there was a certain irony to his appearance... Read More
Stats on social media platforms such as Twitter hitting 600 tweets per second and how Facebook grew to 400 million users are impressive, but what if we looked at Internet-related stats collectively? Jesse Thomas did exactly that through his State of the Internet video. Read More
Each week I share the articles I enjoyed reading on BizSugar with some of the thoughts they inspired on international business. Here are the articles I read last week. Read More
Are you making this common mistake with your email newsletter? It seems like everyone is. And it's a simple thing to fix. Read More
Click now to find out about this simple do-it-yourself trick to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) knowledge. Even if you hate SEO, this is easy to incorporate and can help! Read More
I am a member of many Linkedin groups and try to participate as much as possible. Here is a list of the top 30 Irish Linkedin groups by number of members. Read More
A few weeks ago Shawn Collins, co-founder of Affiliate Summit, was kind enough to send me a review copy of  Internet Marketing from the Real Experts.  This softcover book is a collection of tips from well-known Internet marketers. Read More
Personally, I feel that businesses who want to create their own community must first act less like a business and more of an individual with the human touch. Read More

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