This is an quite of an old commercial created by Sony to market their Sony Vaio series. It is based around the YouTube channel of the Social Media Addicts Association, which houses a number of videos and the website Stop Writing On My Wall. Read More
Great salespeople have the ability to create high-level rapport with their prospects and their clients. Great salespeople have the ability to connect on a very human level. This rapport is built upon the salesperson’s empathy and their emotional intelligence. Here are 5 ways you can improve your empathy and emotional intelligence. Read More
How do you make sales more personal, tell a story that your client can relate to. You stand a better chance of making a connections and getting a sale if make your client understands how your product helps others. Read More
Since the start of mankind, self-help gurus have sought to define what makes human beings tick. I’m particularly struck with the list of “Six Human Needs” that Anthony Robbins discusses. Since customers are human beings too, I rewrote the six human needs specifically geared to customers. As you read each customer need, ask yourself - “Do I offer this to my customers?”
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Google AdWords are great. In fact we bootstrapped for the first year using AdWords. We love the way even the smallest company can compete with Read More
Bank in September we made several changes to to improve visitor engagement. One of these changes was to add breadcrumbs into the header of each page. Read More
Many of the reviews of the popular international Media140 conference say nothing new was really said. Read this blog post to find out what one attendee heard that has her heart singing. Read More
To be fair, Matt McGee of Small Business Search Marketing included the word "probably" in parentheses in the title for his post. I left it out and put a question mark at the end of the title because I'd really like to hear what bizSugar members think of this one. To begin with, I'll admit I think Matt's judgments here are too broad, but I also suspect he wanted them to be to make the article a co Read More
Your business is feeling the crunch this year — and your marketing budget is dwindling as a result. We’ve asked some of the most experienced public relations professionals to share their secrets on how to market a company on a small budget. Here are some of the best ways to use social media and word-of-mouth marketing to gain a competitive advantage in this tough economy. Read More
Just started your blog? Or maybe you’ve had one for awhile but now it’s time to get serious. But how do you get more people to read your blog? Read More

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