Blogging is part of most business's online marketing strategy, whether they are using search engine marketing strategies or just search engine optimisation strategies. Read More
MIssed this when it came out a week or so ago, but it’s worth posting about after the fact a bit. The Small Business Success Index reports that social media adoption among small businesses has doubled from 12% to 24% in the past year.

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Unfortunately, many small business owners give little attention to one of the most critical elements of marketing their business, their products or themselves. This article is a primer on branding that every small business owner should know well and think about each working day! Read More
Sellers often wonder why corporate decision makers don't return calls or seem interested in implementing new systems. Take a look into the real world of a corporate decision maker and find out why. Read More

Following on the success of last year’s Make A Referral Week I am calling out to small businesses once again to stimulate the economy and create jobs through the act of referrals. During the week of March 8-12, I am challenging my readers to make 1000 referred leads to 1000 deserving small businesses in an effort to highlight the power of referrals for small business. Help me spread the word? – Read More
Don’t listen to those who say to only focus on the big picture, ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’…my bet is that these people have never run a successful small business. In small business, the small stuff is what matters the most, the small stuff is what makes or breaks an organization, what motivates the story (good and bad) that a customer spreads about you to their friends and family. Read More
When we first set up our business model was very similar to Google AdWords. Clinics would effectively bid for position in our featured listings Read More
If you want to get an honest answer from your prospects, try being honest yourself. State your intention from the beginning, and let them know you'd rather hear No than Maybe. Read More
Social search continues to be in the limelight, being targeted by major search giants. It all has a reason: social recommendations, which is now "a movement" nobody dares to overlook... Read More
Having a Google Local Business Listing for your small business can be extremely beneficial. Learn how to list a business on Google and why it's important. Read More

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