71% of all searches are on Google. What are you doing to get found on Google? Part 2 of 4 parts on how to get listed on Google - Submitting your Blog. Read More
Editorial calendars work in concert with your story pitching and are a very valuable resource for any entrepreneur, small business owner or public relations professional planning a solid PR campaign during the course of a year. Read More
As to help businesses handle their online marketing strategy in a more appropriate way, we have gathered research data and stats from Top Rank and HubSpot surveys. Read More
There are some highly informative and comprehensive SEO EBooks that depict the most effective SEO Strategies for bringing the website with a massive amount of highly targeted traffic. Some of the important features of these eBooks. Read More
The success of your brochure marketing campaign lies in its proper utilization and execution. In order to do that, you need to learn how to use brochures to your advantage. Here are a few brochure tips to help you get started: Read More
Finding a low-cost way of marketing your small business is very important especially when money is tight. You need to make the most out of the resources you have in order to lower down your campaign cost. Fortunately, you can always rely on low-cost marketing materials like postcards. Today, learn how to make tremendous cost savings with these cheap postcard marketing tips: Read More
For many, the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to starting a business while still employed. Read this success story. Read More
Even in today's online world, meeting people face-to-face is still important to building a business. A trade show lets you come in contact with hundreds or even thousands of prospective customers, vendors and partners. But effectively marketing your business at a trade show requires some smart strategizing. Here's what to do.
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Social media marketing has attracted a lot of public attention in the past two years, largely made up of success stories from major brands, niche companies, and successful internet celebrities who have used it to their advantage. Read More
Consumers seem to find social networking more and more important than they used to. Last year the quantity of hours that consumers spend on social networking increased with 82%. In December 2008, people spent 3 hours a month on social networking platforms and this increased to 5.5 hours in December 2009. Read More

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