A hired tweeter has earnt $3,000 for pushing a button. He finds ads he likes and is paid to post them to all his friends and followers on Twitter. Is this the final frontier for advertising? Intercepting people’s conversations and taking part in their relationships to push forward a brand? Twitter and Facebook have been developing systems in which users are paid to send ads out to their friends e Read More
Regular tune-ups and scheduled maintenance helps your car run smoothly. Do the same for your business with these tips and advice to ensure longevity, reliability and financial prosperity! Read More
Online surveys are great ways to earn fast and significant money. Large number of companies pay handsome amount of money for taking online surveys. Online surveys mean a lot for a company. Most of the company relies on market research to know that what people feel about their products and what they like to buy in the future. Read More
This guy claims that most business cards are crap! This YouTube video has gotten over 800,000 views. People have even made parodies of it.

"See this card?" he says. "Cheap! Strathmore stock. 60 pound. Can you ... Read More
Although this video was produced with some thought behind it, any small business or entrepreneur is capable of producing a video on a whim, having it seen by millions of people and then getting all kinds of publicity. Read More
Paypal has introduced a new promotional method in which you have to just go to your facebook account and add the application known as Paypal Wishlist. Read More
When running your own business you constantly have all sorts of questions. What if, by simply using the right online tools, you could throw a good question and expect dozens of qualified business professionals around the world answer it for you? Read More
One of the best solutions for a time-crunched connection is to write a quick tips article. Everyone loves simple and good tips! They are brief, fun and usually a breeze to read through. Read More
A great example of how Flip Camera has tapped into the power of social media combined with email marketing. Read More
A great list of essential books to read if you plan to market your business with a blog and social media. Read More

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