These are the 10 Facebook Friends to Avoid at All Costs. You know them. You have them on your friends list. You might even be one or a few of these. These are the top 10 people on facebook that you must avoid at all cost. Read More
Doesn't take much to lose a customer, just a little indifference. Some companies feel that if they can wear the customer down the problem will disappear, as does he customer. See how Apple goes about doing it. Read More
Confused by all the chatter about Sales 2.0? Wondering if you should jump on the bandwagon? Well, you're not alone. In this episode of the Sales Management 2.0 Podcast, Christian Maurer discusses the importance of adopting the right attitude when it comes to Sales 2.0. Read More
Virtual assistance including everything from accounting to phone service Web design and marketing leaving your small business to concentrate on what you do best, providing your products and services. In this interview with Network Solutions, Gourab Nanda of Maryland-based My Business Assistant talks about how he built his small business by helping Read More
As luxury real estate Buyers become more and more savvy--often purchasing multiple properties in a lifetime--the time spent with a luxury real estate professional has taken on a different role. No longer does a realtor need to show off the basics. These items are either self explanatory to well experienced Buyers, or often they have been well view Read More
10 pieces of advice that I wish someone had given to me before I launched my first venture. Read More
With the advent of so many new communication methods it seems many have forgotten manners for giving phone conferences. As a buyer, in today's market I have noticed more and more that people don't follow simple rules while giving conference calls. There has been times that these problems have actually cost potential customers business. Read More
Is it something broad, like "retail selling" or "telesales?" Or is it something specific, such as "Getting customers to see the investment potential in our ABC mutual fund," or "Adding Read More
Leo Babauta is the publisher of the very popular Zen Habits blog and author the Power of Less. Leo is not my typical marketing/business expert type guest but Leo's personal story and the subject he writes about are important lessons for small business owners. Read More
The age of new media is here. The latest buzz in marketing focuses on social media, internet promotions, FourSquare coupons, and Augmented Reality web cam scanners. These are all incredible advances in technology and great ways to connect to your consumers via the internet. It is essential for any business to stay current and involved with new med Read More

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