Millions of small businesses are turning to PR to promote their business because it has the tendency to be considerably more affordable compared with traditional marketing and advertising. What's more, press releases help attract the attention of reporters who then write stories on companies, providing valuable third-party endorsement for business Read More
There is a lot that small creative firm can learn about marketing from their larger competitors, including some things that don't cost any money at all. This article describes six possibilities. Read More
Tax Credit Extension Draws Increasing Attention - Increasing media coverage has drawn attention to the reality that the $8000 first-time homebuyer tax credit will expire November 30, but that prospective purchasers need to act quickly to assure that they will qualify for the credit. Read More
Part 12 in a 28 part series on sales effectiveness based on Kilcullen's original 28 Articles for counterinsurgency. Read More
When it comes to customer service, a small investment in care can make a big difference in results for both the customer and the profits of the company. Read More
There will be no need for you to scour the net and Trade journals to find reliable suppliers, this advantage will save you massive amounts of time ,not only that but you won't have to worry about falling victim to any scam artists. Read More
Blog marketing has obviously been used to the max these past years as the new age of marketing and it is not hard to depict why it has come into being. People seeking outside impromptu information surrounding various current events, issues and topics today in practically any area of interest has been something that has made corporations and indivi Read More
During these 5 years we have faced many challenges technically as well as in managing projects, clients and people. But one of the most challenging part of our business right now is scaling. We plan to double the revenue and increase the profitability without increasing head count considerably. We have around 70 people team right now and we plan t Read More
A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article titled, “Stop Selling Like You're Walking On Egg Shells!” As usual, I received a number of great comments from readers. Among those comments came one in particular that really stood out. It said— Read More
Many startups realize the significance good customer service can mean for the success of a small business - or even a large operation. When done right, customer service can grease the wheels of any marketing and loyalty program. That's exactly what Joan Lamonica did when she opened up a retail store recently. She's the fashion designer and owner o Read More

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