With 2010 fast approaching a recent survey of 2000 marketers by the Center for Media Research looked at the most popular mediums used. It found that while email is still the most popular, social networks look set to soon overtake it. Read More
The easiest way to learn things is by repeated exposure, ideally in small bursts that don't take too much time. That's exactly how Internet Riches author Scott Fox designed his new Traffic Building School! Watching one short video each day for 50+ days will teach you a LOT about online marketing. This new course is free for the first Read More
One easy way to promote your business is through customer testimonials. Asking satisfied customers to say a bit about their experience with your business adds to your credibility and can be an inexpensive yet powerful way to market your product, especially if large numbers of people are still unfamiliar with your brand, who you are and what you do Read More
Research suggests that children develop preferences to certain brands when they are young. Starting from the brands on the packages of baby food they are fed to their mum and dad taking them to McDonald's and giving them Barbie dolls. Children are surrounded by brand labels from the day they are born and with pocket money they are able to make cho Read More
Download The Seven Deadly Mistakes of Social Media Marketing—And How to Avoid Them. This eBook gives practical how-to's to CMOs and marketers in hopes to jumpstart their interactive efforts. Unlike so much of what we see that's heavy on theory and case studies, this eBook is designed to give action items you can use immediately. Read More
A quick story of social media doubters becoming adopters and examples of the success that social media can bring such as networking and customer growth for small business. Read More
10 Ways to Say THANKS to your customers at Thanksgiving. Read More
Steve Fretzin, president of Sales Results Inc., says your goal should be to improve group performance, and the best way to achieve that is to learn successful sales techniques. He offers these four tips. Read More
Looking back at October 2008, who could have predicted the destruction that would come about from the gale-force events that ripped across Wall Street only a month earlier? Despite the chaos of the past 12 months, these 11 lessons can help you weather the storm. Read More

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