Why You Must Read II

Why You Must Read II - http://thesalesblog.com Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From http://thesalesblog.com 5337 days ago
A short piece on the outsized results of reading. Read More
Your choice of language can help determine the outcome of a sales interaction with your prospect. Read More
Among the most common practices of businesses as far as determining which commodities will be demanded by the consumer market are that of making the basic needs of man, such as food into an easier way of attaining them. Such has been the mission of most consumer good companies, developing ready to eat food in the most compact manner and making the Read More
Whether you are looking for a job or running a business, giving out business cards is crucial to marketing your skills or services. Even as a job seeker, develop the mindset of running the business of YOU, Inc. Business cards speak volumes about who you are, what you offer and how serious you are marketing YOU, Inc. as a business. Oh! So, you have Read More
By keeping things as simple as possible, you will get better results in your marketing . Read More
Though opportunities exist for outsourcing many functions in small to medium sized businesses to China, especially manufacturing, care must still be taken n exploring these options. In an article for Small Business Review, writer Gary M. Stern suggests careful investigation to avoid unscrupulous suppliers and careful research to be sure your busin Read More
Small business will see an increasing market among consumers in China for a wide variety of products in the near future. Alan Gershenhorn, president of UPS International, who has obvious interest in this growing market, explains in an article posted at Small Business Opportunities online how by 2025, by some projections, China will be the largest Read More
A key marketing decision, given the multitude of techniques available, is the choice of promotional blend needed to communicate with the target audience. For the marketer, a careful approach is needed when deciding how to communicate and how to showcase your company. Social media might prove powerful, but so far, advertising in traditional media h Read More
A new report from FED Razorfish , that looks into consumers' digital habits and attitudes, are showing that the best way for brands to engage consumers on social media is to use conventional marketing techniques like various discounts and exclusive promotions. According to the report, it is more about great deals and not so much about some type of Read More
Customer service, something we as business people and also consumers encounter every day. From grabbing our first cup of coffee at our favorite store to our first phone call of the day, we take part in the consumer experience as well as have an impact on our on customers experience. Read More

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