How to use paid linking to increase your searh engine rankings. Read More
We see businesses on Twitter and Facebook, and know from the start that their very purpose on them is to make us buy. But— how open are we to social media marketing? Read More
One of the areas we always receive a ton of questions is in the world of branding. It's one of those areas of marketing that everyone's heard of but if you ask them to explain it (or how to do it) they give you kind of a blank stare. Here are some branding tips for small businesses and entrepreneurs: Read More
Do you notice any of these trends? What can be done about them? Read More
Social Bookmarking Can Multiply Backlinks to Your Site Have you ever shared a link with someone else? You read something that was so incredible or informative that you had to tell others. Social bookmarking can help others do that very same thing for you. Backlinking is the method of enhancing your website traffic through inbound links from othe Read More
The author describes a fictional account of a sales meeting in which the new sales manager is introduced and describes his philosophy. Read More
I found this guerrilla marketing idea and wanted to share with all the small businesses out there that needed a creative jolt to their guerrilla marketing thinking. Here's a neat idea put on by Mentos. This tactic shows a cutout of kids and people blowing gum with the Mentos logo clearly marked on the bubble once it is fully inflated. Read More
Many people using PR reps for the first time don't know the type of service they should be getting. Here are some flags to watch out for if you're new to using PR. Read More
About once a week I amuse the grammar troops by torturing some aspect of the language in my writing. Hey, I don't do it on purpose and I love that I'm able to provide an otherwise cuddly group of individuals with a steady flow of chuckles. I've had this post in the back of my mind for some time, but I was prompted to write it today by a LinkedI Read More
Are you doing any kind of target marketing for your small business? More specifically, are you employing any kind of new technologies available on the marketplace that identify specific groups of people who visit, or even shop, on Web sites? Collecting data on these individuals may be a valuable way for you to target your online marketing efforts. Read More

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