Before you take too many new business pot shots, consider a business development do-over. There is no better opportunity to rethink how you pursue new clients than when the slate has been wiped more or less clean. Read More
The online world has been revolving around what most people often call, “web 2.0”. I would say this term is aging fast with overuse, but its fundamentals are still fresh up till today. Read More
There are ways to get through to even the most resistant people, contends Mark Goulston, author of the new book Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone. He offers these techniques to improve your customer service standards. Read More
“Many small business owners who regularly make a profit and have consistently high demand for their products or services spend a good deal of time listening to and observing their customers and learning how to provide what they want,” says Emerson Smith, Ph.D., president of Columbia, S.C.—based Metromark Market Research. Here are five surefire way Read More
But I feel that there is a more realistic perspective that needs to be adopted in relation to social media and in particularly online communities. Although I appreciate that marketers must look at their work analytically, a better appreciation for how real people within online communities behave is required to make an authentic impression within o Read More
To celebrate the launch of Bloggertone - he has very kindly offered the new TSE Autumn ebook completely FREE to Bloggertone readers. It's another absolutely brilliant sales ebook from Jonathan and the TSE team. Read More
November is the beginning of dining table season. Dining table customers will be visiting furniture stores to select a new table and chairs. As families' plans solidify for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day (and other holidays, too), some start dreaming if a Read More
In today's challenging economic climate, e-commerce businesses are finding that online reputation is more critical than ever to attract and serve customers. When it comes to sharing information with smaller Web sites, consumer confidence is shaky. A recent Marketing Sherpa study found that fifty-three percent of consumers worry about sharing perso Read More
A basic foundation to sales success is knowing and working on you key conversion rates. Once you have that working for you, you can then build on it and unleash the sales artist in you. Read More
Let's say the you live in Des Moines and you sell widgets online; you work from home and drop-ship the widgets to customers all throughout the world. All transactions are done online and you fill all your orders in your cut-off sweats and fuzzy slippers. You've been thinking about expanding, looking to attract more widget consumers and markets. Read More

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