From creative director to training guru to crisis counselor, small business owners wear many hats. For some owners, these hats include helmets, berets, and dress and fatigue caps. As members or supporters of the military, these entrepreneurs know what it takes to lead a successful operation, fight for a cause and achieve their mission. Learn how t Read More
While many business owners are blaming the recession for their financial problems, Orrel is actually crediting the slowdown (and being laid off) for her success--and she's not alone. Despite the downturn, startups are popping up around the country, as recently laid-off workers turn from seeking employment to launching their own businesses. Read More
Starting an unusual food business. Utilizing website for a genius business move Read More
Are you striving to reach the highest standards to grow your brand and develop strong customer relationships with your marketing? Then "Don't" Sweat The Small Stuff". Here are a few ways to not sweat the small stuff and get greater results with your marketing: Read More
Check out these 5 Tips for Winning with Online Buyers... Read More
The future is pink and flowery for online social media it is predicted. I'm sure you could have already told me that you use Facebook much more than your little brother but research shows that social media with sites such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace is dominated by women of all ages. Not the teeny boppers but women between 35 to 50 are increa Read More
A real world case study on B2B social media. Read More
4 common themes emerged from a profile of 3 startups, in 3 different industries, in 3 different stages of growth. Read More
This whole social media thing for small business can be confusing, I know, I speak to groups of small business owner routinely and hear things like — “I'm overwhelmed, I'm tired of the hype, what do I do first, how do I find the time.” If you've ever found yourself saying something along those lines, I would like to let you know that I've taken Read More

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