Building a BLOG is not a one-time process; you have to be at it continuously. However, before you make it popular ( increase its visibility on search engine results pages) and get lots of visitors and loyal readers, you have to follow some guidelines on creating blogs. Check this Squidoo Lens to fi Read More
Why is it important to guest blog? It’s a legitimate question, especially for writers who have limited time and have to use it wisely. Most of us are balancing regular jobs, kids, spouses, friends, housework and sleep with our writing. So why blog at all? Read More
Whether by choice or necessity, many of us today are maintaining multiple income streams. Entrepreneurs and independent contractors in particular seem more prone to this multi-job arrangement. But the question is: how can we juggle all of our duties without dropping the ball? Read More
Earlier this week Google's head of web spam—Matt Cutts—posted on his blog that they're implementing a change in their algorithm ... Read More

Wordpress HTML5 Themes

Avatar Posted by ricky86 under Resources
From 5002 days ago
Wordpress theme designers can't ignore the new web standard HTML5. So, this article will share some free and premium HTML5 themes I've found on the Internet. Read More
When marketing your brand it is often the simple things you do that help keep your customers loyal. Before you worry about marketing tactics to action, it is important to make sure customers have the best experience from the moment they buy from you. Read More
If you are a new B2B salesperson, these 9 essential books will help you to build a foundation upon which to build a successful career in business-to-business sales. Read More
Web videos are playing bigger role in small business online advertising, while text link-based ads will be less desirable by small business advertisers. Read More
Recently, Google has announced that it is taking a greater stance to control search results quality by providing better relevance, freshness and comprehensiveness. Read More
Negativity is contagious. If you disagree then I have some property to sell you in the middle of the Arctic Circle!

Seriously, what people think of themselves, their circumstances, or you can affect what you think about yourself, your circumstances, or your thoughts of others. It's a law of hum Read More

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