External competition is good. It forces us to improve our game by rethinking strategy, honing skills, and working as a team. These benefits are lost when the competitive focus shifts from market share opponents to internal marketing strategy. It’s time for the sibling rivalry between social media a Read More
There are several roles to be played at successful industry conferences. Most of my experience is specific to Search, PR and Direct Marketing events - Read More
Have you been contemplating about the best way to earn a living on the internet. I am going to give you a productive one, two, combination that involves Google and WordPress. Producing money with Adsense and WordPress is usually a quick and easy way to you to get started making income today. Once yo... Read More
You've heard of management acronyms like MBWA and SMART (goals), but how about PIES? Why you should know and incorporate the latter in your workplace. Read More
While this may be hard for some business owners to come grips with – leaning instead towards the “marketing is a strange form of creative Read More
There’s a move afoot that began at the local community level and is steadily taking hold at the statewide level in places like Florida, Kansas, Read More
The holidays are upon us. For most business owners that means an increase in sales - or at least it used to. In today's frustrating economy, small and large businesses alike are facing record lows when it comes to sales. Even those in the service industry are seeing less and less clients. So what’ Read More
Here we are with our eleventh roundup. RoundUps are specially used to make visitors have a glance look on the topic posted on crunchynow. Now you can even take a look at our weekly roundup for every weeks. Read More
I love competing and I love winning!  Watching the Super Bowl was great, two great teams who left everything on the field.  No this is not a post about what Read More
As the end of the year approaches, some of us find ourselves overwhelmed by top 10 lists, the shopping masses and endless renditions of Winter Wonderland. Businesses, on the other hand, tend to experience a slowdown, which makes it the perfect time for small business owners (when not partaking in Read More

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